February 4, 2007

one lomo party night

shot by HOLGA 120GCFN.

December 9, 2006

Woolen hat

冬天來了, 有點心癢......

微冷之際, 早早就拖出沉重的大皮箱, 翻箱倒櫃地弄出一大堆冬天暖意綿綿的厚厚衣服、圍巾, 還有帽子. 我知道這都是人之常情的心理, 就如讀書時期上學等放學, 然後等放假, 然後然後...一個沉悶而又在學習壓逼中度過的長假期里等待上學, 期望早點與同學仔們見面. 同樣, 冬天期待夏天的熾熱, 汗流浹背后, 留戀冬日溫馨閑懶被窩......

姊妹們無意中搜刮出一頂朋友親手織給她的棉質針織帽子. 褐黃色, 頭頂有兩只小耳朵, 可愛得要命~我們連忙拿出來要試戴. 很久沒有戴過帽子, 儘管自己有帽子癖. 自己也清楚知道, 喜歡帽子不一定要戴上方可以代表喜歡, 我還是喜歡那種擁有的感覺.

來臨ing的冬季, 是時候要考慮且計劃一下, 自己將要展開一場搜羅新款式帽子的行動.

November 6, 2006

sunday morning

this is the mad saeson......

September 6, 2006

Rokin' Roses

Rokin' Roses in Holga!!

June 27, 2006

After the rain

this is the viwe of the afternoon, after the rain fall...
the rain washed ev'ry thing.
the wild wind n the heavy rain were made all things fresh, so fresh n fresh.

May 31, 2006



May 30, 2006

my wall is dead, too......

the pictures are no longer on this wall......this wall is dead.
deep in my heart, i'll always keep u in my mind. all my favorites on the wall.
GoD bless......

May 25, 2006


before sunset......where should we go? God will guide me to, i hope.